01 June 2014

May in Review

I'm not really sure where May went. When I look back, I can't believe how many things I managed to squeeze into one month, which I guess is why it flew by! Here's a quick recap of what I've been up to:

Tudela: I started out May by staying in Tudela, even though I had a 4-day weekend and could have traveled (I know, gasp!), due to a combination of burn out after so much traveling in April and excitement about witnessing Tudela's famed Vegetable Week! Vegetable Week could ONLY happen in Tudela. They're vegetable crazy, and insanely proud of their famed vegetable. All week, the bars had special vegetable pinchos available and Saturday night, all of the peñas (small food clubs organized by groups of friends) open to sell beer and their hand-made pinchos, all featuring local vegetables. I went out with a coworker and all of her friends and they showed me their favorite peñas. I would have been lost without them! Most of the peñas were completely packed and it was impossible to even get in. Even the streets were full of people, and there were even tourists from France who came down for the weekend. Vegetable week also included a series of free concerts, a "carpet" made entirely of sliced up vegetables that was on display under the gazebo in the main plaza all weekend, and a parade on Sunday, including two Navarra traditions: jotas and gigantes. 

The vegetable carpet
Auryn concert in Plaza Nueva (picture One Direction but Spanish,
completely with lots of screaming 12-year-olds)
Parade on Sunday
Dancing jotas
Gigantes dancing in Plaza Nueva

San Sebastian: The following weekend, I was off to San Sebastián with a bunch of my Irish friends. It´s easily one of the most beautiful cities in Spain and a perfect spot for a relaxing weekend with great food and breathtaking views! We visited the amusement park on the top of Monte Igeldo, walked around the old town, and took a morning walk along the beach before reluctantly heading back to Tudela. The only way I could drag myself away was knowing I'd be back in a month with my dad and my sister!

Amusement park on Monte Igeldo

View from the top of Monte Igeldo. Pretty hard to top this!