28 November 2014

Just a rainy Wednesday

Last year, my life was a non-stop series of new experiences, adventures, discoveries, exploring. This fall, though, my life has been decidedly lacking in this department. This week though, a little change to my routine reminded me you don't necessarily need to travel to the other side of the world to have a little adventure. It started out like any other Wednesday morning, but a little rain sent me off on a series of little discoveries!

Like this little cafe I live next door to and walk past every day without ever entering. Facing a long, wet walk to my usual favorite, I decided to check it out. It was love at first sight: from the selection of traditional Spanish Christmas treats filling the display case to the Lacasitos (Spanish M&Ms) that came with the coffee or the smile with which the owner greeted me and directed me to the stack of magazines in the corner and offered to close the door if I was cold. Clearly a neighborhood favorite, there was a constant stream of abuelas and abuelos asking for "the usual," or "Has Pedro bought our bread yet?" or "Have you seen my wife? She was supposed to meet me 10 minutes ago!" I instantly felt at home. 

My neighborhood's best-kept secret
Next discovery, the Mercado de Abastos. Technically its not a discovery, since I've been here several times before, but only on weekends when all the stalls are closed. It's much more impressive when its actually open ;) Wandering in to look for some spices in the supermarket, instead I found stall after stall of fresh, locally grown produce, the biggest tomatoes you'll ever see, local wines, pastries and other baked goods.

I love how well I know Tudela now- I have my routine, my favorite cafés, I know the fastest way to get somewhere or where to get the cheapest beers, but it was so nice to be reminded that even boring little Tudela has a few surprises up its sleeve!
Beautiful, despite the grey November sky and a few raindrops
It's hard this week to be away from home for Thanksgiving: no family, no turkey, no pumpkin pie :( This Thanksgiving, though, I'm thankful for days like this, walking home through Tudela's casco antiguo, admiring the Christmas lights draped across the narrow streets and discovering new little surprises. I'm thankful I get to call this place my home.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. So happy for you living in such a serene place where they have a fiesta if someone just sneezes. When do you go to Morocco? Can't wait to see you at Christmas.

  2. Leave tomorrow! Counting down the days til Xmas, see you soon!!
